Sunday, 18 August 2013

Two Messier objects revisited

I deciced to try these two objects again this time with longer focal length telescope (SCT11):



Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Two active regions

The Sun is featuring two larger groups today: AR1818 and 1817.

Equipment: Skywatcher EVOSTAR ED80 Pro ED APO 80/600mm, Canon 60Da, IDAS LPS-P2 EOS, Baader 10nm Solar Continuum filter (CWL 540nm) 2", Baader AstroSolar ND 3.8, Astrotrac TT320X-AG and Astrotrac TW3100 wedge.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Deep Sky

Here are some recent images I have captured.

Cygnus Wall at NGC 7000:

M33 (Triangulum Galaxy):

IC 1318: