Friday, 22 November 2013

CCD Project 2013 part #5

This might be a show-stopper. One magnetic sensor is missing. The wheel rotates forever when powered on. I'll send this one back for warranty replacement.

Update two hours later: I just received my second wheel and see that one sensor is "missing" there too so it is normal. But the first wheel is not working anyway so I'll return it.

Update three hours later: When carefully looking at this already faulty device I noticed that off-axis prism is broken too. So this device was totally broken from the very beginning. Very bad luck this time.

Update four hours later: Second wheel has been installed with Astronomik LRGB and H-alpha filters and this wheel rotates like charm. I've been playing with bigger SX wheel so far and these are superb.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

NGC 281

I was testing 20 min. subs with this:

CCD Project 2013 part #4

These parts are for SX mini filter wheel OAG. Female C-mount cups were hard to find and I had to order mine from eBay China. Everything went smoothly and the goods arrived very quickly in one week without postage fees or any other additional expenses. I am positively surprised, really!

Monday, 4 November 2013

CCD Project 2013 part #3

LRGB-filters (1.25") for my first SX-wheel arrived today and were installed alongside with one Ha-filter. Second wheel will be installed with four narrowband filters (H-alfa, OIII, SII and H-beta) and CLS light pollution filter for pure luminance. In this first wheel H-alfa (12nm) is nice to have as fifth filter in order to fill all five filter positions and to boost for example star forming regions in galaxy images.

Astronomik L-RGB and H-alfa filters: