Friday 20 December 2013

CCD Project 2013 part #8

Baader 1.25" narrowband filters (with two other filters for other purposes) for the second SX mini filter wheel (which was sent back for repair) arrived today. Waiting for clear night now...

Thursday 19 December 2013

CCD Project 2013 part #7

Starlight Xpress Trius SX-694 CCD-camera arrived today!

Plastic case:

Camera itself all alone inside the case:

Wednesday 11 December 2013

CCD Project 2013 part #6

Almost there. These cables (actually only one is enough and the others are spares) are for the the Loadstar when used with SX mini filter wheel. Using right angle cable minimizes radial diameter of the whole package which becomes especially important when pointing telescope up into the zenith. I bought these cables from eBay (Hong Kong).