Thursday, 30 April 2015

Use The Force Luke

Unfortunately I'm just a mortal and I have to use external source for powering up things and charging devices with power banks and 18650 rechargeables. You can't go wrong with EC 2nd Technology power banks ( usually has got them on stock here at the EU area).

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Raspberry weather camera

DIY Weather Station version 0.02 beta

Everything has been reinstalled again. Now running on Mega PCB using a little RF-link module for sending weather data packets one per line and RTC-clock for timestamping them.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015


From left to right: Raspberry Pi 2 model B, Arduino compatible UNO R3 and Mega 2560.

Saturday, 18 April 2015

DIY Weather Station version 0.01 beta

This setup gives three temperatures, humidity and sky temperature. Sensors used were: DHT11, DS18B20 and MLX90614.

Friday, 17 April 2015

DIY Weather Station version 0.03 alfa

Now with two temperature readings and humidity value dumped out into the serial line.

Wednesday, 15 April 2015

SDR from USA

I had to purchase this one overseas directly from NooElec Inc.

DIY Weather Station version 0.01 alfa

This cheapo is running on NHduino UNO using even cheaper DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor. TODO: Sky temperature (to tell whether there are clouds or not), air pressure, rain indicator and something else maybe.

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

USB status

This little handy pass through USB gadget displays your connection voltage and some other interesting and useful numbers too.


This device is for temperature measurements. The display and small metallic probe inside are actually for refrigerators, aquariums or alikes and the probe itself is waterproof. With the additional plastic transparent waterproof enclosure this is quite a nice package.

Sunday, 5 April 2015

Imaging NGC 7023 in LRGB

I had no choice. The Moon was almost full and our dome is not yet fully operational so the list of suitable imaging targets is quite short.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Mount upgrade

No Rowan Belt kit yet but some other upgrades.

Altair TMS Heavy Duty Universal Dovetail Plate (accepts both Vixen and Losmandy level bars):

EQ5 Pro Mount Latitude & Azimuth Bolt Upgrade Set:

Up and running

I have already tested this box for the EQ mount out in the field and now I added GPS for precise time source and temperature sensor measuring in and out temperatures.

EQ = HitecAstro EQDIR for Skywatcher HEQ-5
SX = Starlight Xpress CCD-camera
Game = Gamepad for EQMOD
USBF = USB_Focus ASCOM focuser
GPS = Globalsat BU-353 receiver for EQMOD
Temp = Temperature sensor with two probes

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

All kinds of boards for projects

Raspberry prototyping board:


Clone Arduino Mega PCB from China:

Genuine Uno R3 PCB from Italy: